Against the Remembrance of

The Modern Utopia Identifi the Past With Disgrace is a Proven Fact. Now, What if His Praise for Tomorrow Were a Pose? When Dissecting the Societies of Numerous Utopian Novels, One Nourishes the Suspicion That His Obsession With Exalting the Future Reflect the Latent Operation of an Uncontrollable Fear of It. Since Utopian Civilizations Believ Themselves to Be Perfect, They Interpret the Changes That Might Occur in the Future as Losses of Perfection, Never as Progress. In Fact, They Fear the Future Like Nothing Else, Since It Brings Explosive Changes. That is Why They Tri to Cancel It or Counteract It, and.

They Achiev It Through the

Creation of an Eternal Present in Which Nothing New Ever Happens, Install in the Repetition of the Same Thing. The Involuntary Lesson They Provid is That, if It Triumphs and is Consolidat, Utopia Ceases to Be Utopian. She Malaysia Number Data Becomes Conservative and Represses the Future. It Stops the Historical Course So That Everything Remains the Same and to Achieve Perpetuation Ad Infinitum. Once the Action of the Past and the Future is Dissolv, the Utopias Involv Remain Cag in a Ubiquitous, Dehistoriciz Present. In Walden Two , for Example, Characters Boast That “Antiquity is Never Mention,” Since the Teaching of History.

Phone Number Data

Obscures Any Attempt to

Gain a Clear Appreciation of the Present.” the Hostility  Walden Communities Accords With the Official Temporality of the Modern Utopia Recapitulat in R Star . Logically, It is Rivet With the Usual Futurism: “We Look to the Future, Not to Hong Kong Whatsapp Number the Past.” So Far, Everything in Order. However, the Typical Assumptions About Utopia Are Immiately Blown Up, When the Narrator States: “the Past and the Future Are Alien to Us”; «only Now ! “the Present is What Counts.” Hammond, the Main Character in Nowhere News , Reports: “Know That We Are Happy Enough, Individually and Collectively, Not to Worry About What Will Happen in the Future.

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