From the Systemic Nostalgia

The Guid the Action of the Left for Two Centuries Collaps. Simultaneously, the Present Emerg, Fill With Memory and Lacking Political Alternatives. Fac With Such a Panorama, Traverso Defends the Relevance of a Future-orient Melancholy That, Instead of Lamenting the Defunct Utopia, Recognizes Defeat Without Giving Up and Helps Overcome Trauma. How to Get It? Recalling the Most Inspiring and Inciting Revolutionary Episodes, Capable of Awakening Pride and Spirit, Listening to the Demands of the Ghosts of the Past and Integrating Current Struggles Into the.

Tradition of Socialist Struggles

Traverso Puts Great Effort Into Differentiating Left-wing Melancholy From That Orchestrat by Official Memory Policies, Determin to Ruce Those Commemorat to the Status of Martyrs. Institutional Memorialism Silences That the Victims Were, in Addition, Revolutionary, Anti-fascist, Anti-colonial or Anti-patriarchal Subjects Full Turkey Number Data of Hopes and Visions of the Future. Under the Duty of Memory, With Few Exceptions, Selective Amnesia and Depoliticization Rage. Against This Prisposition, Left-wing Melancholy Vindicates the Reeming Nature of the Ghosts of the Past and Calls to Continue Its Struggle. Its Lost Object is Not Real Socialism or Anything Like That, but the Historical Experience of Emancipation. His Method Lies in “Memory and Awareness of the Potential of the Past” and in “Fidelity to the Emancipatory Promises of the Revolution, Not to Its Consequences.”. As if Things Were Not Already Complicat Enough.

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Left-wing Melancholy Has Found

Another Tough Rival in Recent Years: Ultra-conservative Melancholy , an Emotion That Longs to Restore Fidelity to the Homeland, Authority and Traditional Values ​​in the Face of the Suppos Offensive of the Postmodern Spain Whatsapp Number Policies. Born, Likewise, Attach to Temporal Closure, Ultraconservative Melancholy Summons Its Own Ghosts and Forges Retrotopias Where the Past Appears as a Safe, Orderly, Decent Time. A Time, They Say, That We Never Had to Abandon. The Rising Presence of Right-wing Nostalgia is Manifest, in a Special Way, in the Tendentious Rewriting of History. It Forces, Therefore.

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