Customer satisfaction indicators: how to make the most of them?

Among the benefits of measuring customer satisfaction is detecting areas for improvement and making strategic decisions to improve compliance and encourage user retention. In fact, data collection and evaluation is so important that between 55% and 63% of Mexican companies have already invested in technology applied to analytics satisfaction indicators .

Customer satisfaction indicators, also known as Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), are quantitative or qualitative measures used to evaluate and monitor buyers’ interaction with the products, services

or experiences provided by a company

Some examples of these metrics include churn rate – which identifies the number of customers who have abandoned a business – customer retention rate – which measures the number of customers a business retains over a given period – and Net Promoter Score (NPS) – which assesses customer loyalty and the likelihood that  whatsapp number list customers will recommend the business to others.

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Listening to customers, working to ensure their satisfaction and putting them at the centre of all the organisation’s processes – a strategy known as customer centricity – helps to build trust and generate loyalty. Measuring indicators  how contract management software is of satisfied customers is essential to improve compliance with a business’s service and products.

Also known as Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) , customer satisfaction indicators are quantitative or qualitative metrics used to evaluate and monitor buyer behavior regarding the products, services or experiences provided by a company.


Churn Rate – Identifies how many customers have churned out of the service in a given period.
Customer retention rate : Measures the number of customers satisfaction indicators  a company retains over a given period.
NPS (Net Promoter Score) : measures the level of loyalty and the probability that the customer will

recommend the company to others

Customer satisfaction indicators are used to understand and analyze the level of customer satisfaction regarding various aspects of a business, such as products, services, customer service, and experiences. These metrics help drive continuous product or service improvement, customer retention, and long-term business growth.

They also serve to measure the effectiveness of the strategies implemented. For example, when faced with change processes, organizations can compare previous satisfaction ratings to determine whether improvements were significant.

According to a McKinsey study , customer care is a strategic focus for companies. Respondents indicated that driving a streamlined  america email list customer experience and developing their digital support systems were among their top priorities over the next 12 to 24 months.

Zendesk’s CX Trends 2024 Report confirms the trend when it notes that 70% of organizations invest in tools that capture intent signals that help predict satisfaction indicators  customer needs and resolve issues quickly and efficiently.

Discover how the shift to predictive and instant experiences (powered by AI) is reshaping customer experience in profound ways. Download the full report for free!

If you want to know more about the power of a customer-centric vision, watch this video :


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