How to program a chatbot for WhatsApp [Practical guide]

To communicate with your customers in a fluid manner, the chatbot needs a conversation logic, that is, how the chatbot will interact with your users program a chatbot .

In traditional (rule-based) chatbots, this logic is created by programming specific rules and responses. AI-powered bots use machine learning techniques to generate responses based on the context of the conversation.

Understand what machine learning is and how it differs from deep learning.

Tip: Imagine the different conversation scenarios, the frequently asked questions you want the chatbot to answer, and what tone it will use for that.

Use a flowchart to represent different types of interactions, such as questions, auto-responses, user actions, and branching in the conversation flow.

The idea is that the chatbot helps you serve dozens or hundreds of people at once, right? While it’s true that sometimes customers need human interactions, most  program a chatbot of the time they just want answers to simple problems or have questions that you can easily resolve with automated responses .

Set up your chatbot to offer these types

Pre-built: Predefined responses to a specific query. For example, “What are your business hours? ”
Keyword-based responses – Configure the chatbot to identify specific keywords or phrases in the user’s message and respond accordingly. For example, if the customer program a chatbot  mentions the word “refund,” the chatbot can trigger  buy phone number list a specific response related to that process.
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In 2024, CX leaders will increase investments in AI and other related technologies to optimize the potential of chatbots and turn them into skilled architects of highly personalized customer journeys. Download the full  benefits of access forms  report for free and learn about all the CX trends for the next two years.

Conversation flows guide users through the interaction with your chatbot. To create them, you set up the different stages of the conversation and define the chatbot’s actions for each stage.

For example, you can create a customer support conversation flow that starts with a welcome greeting, continues with a question about the user’s query, and ends with an appropriate response.

Personalize the user experience

Customers have made it clear that they want companies to use their personal data to deliver warm, personalized experiences, according to CX Trends 2024. Chatbots should be no different.

Choose a platform where you can customize the user experience with interactive buttons, images, videos, or even integrations  america email list with other services and applications.

Test and optimize: Before launching your chatbot, make sure it works properly and provides a satisfactory user experience. Make adjustments an program a chatbot d optimizations as needed.

Launch and monitor : Once you’re happy with your chatbot, you can launch it and regularly monitor its performance. Make adjustments based on user feedback and data analytics, such as response time, engagement rates, technical errors, or user sentiment.

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