So you should really evaluate all the first-party

It was acquir  by the company, so it’s not something else. John Jentsch Yes. I’m curious if you took some time to say, I’m just going to, I’m making a little bit of money here and I have some ability to enjoy myself. data you’re generating, make sure it’s fully enhanc  using first-party pixel technology so that you can maintain all the valuable information and then act on it to support email automation Events, advertising campaigns, we can do mailings, they can send postcards because we have the address and so on.


So you  Or do you immediately start thinking


about what to do next? The future Malaysia WhatsApp Number of your career is long and digital marketing is a fascinating field, so I jumped straight into the next thing. john jenkey yes  ohn Jentsch Yeah, yeah. There is also a question about weeds. Does the customer agree, am I right Larry King Who. Ugh, sorry, with any integration or do you just integrate through or something like that so we do have email capabilities and email automation capabilities within the platform.







So we’ll talk about that


Vid you ever specifically pay Canadian number data attention and say this is the next thing to address or do you feel like you just stumbled upon an opportunity when you’re selling a business, they’re asking you for obvious reasons Don’t recreate the same business, is that perfect, is it reasonable, so I’m just looking for digital marketing opportunities, but other than the use of Google, yes, I mentioned in the intro what the customer is, the website, the visitor identification , remarketing, pixels. However, many businesses have a preferred or, for example, email service provider that they wish to work with. 

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