contact name: Stefan Micheelsen
contact job function details: consultant
contact job function: consulting
contact job title: Consultant
contact job seniority: entry
contact person city: Copenhagen
contact person state: Capital Region of Denmark
contact person country: Denmark
contact person zip code:
business name: Intempus Timeregistrering
business domain:
business facebook URL:
business linkedin:
business twitter:
business website:
pakistan number data trial package
business angellist:
business found year: 2013
business city: Copenhagen
business zip code:
business state:
business country: Denmark
business language:
business employee: 8
electrical electronic manufacturing
business category: information technology & services
business specialty: software as a service, effektivisering og optimering af administration, timeregistrering, integration til regnskab, automatiseret lonkorsel, forretningsoverblik, information technology and services
business technology: gmail,google_apps,zendesk,sendgrid,google_play,apache,nginx,youtube,google_tag_manager,google_analytics,bootstrap_framework,ruby_on_rails,google_font_api,django,ubuntu,mobile_friendly
business description: Intempus er mobil timeregistrering, som erstatter den traditionelle timeseddel. Prøv det gratis og uforpligtende i 30 dage.