Are Neutrality Laws in Europe

The Internet Seems to Be Global, but It is Not Because the Servers Are in Well-defin Places. The Internet is Not in Heaven. The Internet is Fine on Earth, but Invisible. Where Are All the Servers ? They Are Not Visible. The Possibility of Regulating the Internet Should Be Through the Servers . To Control the Internet Monarchy You Have to Attack the Servers ; It’s Exactly Like in the Matrix . In the Game, the Matrix Cannot Be Attack Because It is Not in the Illusion. The Matrix is ​​the Material Foundation, in This Case the Servers.

Silicon Valley is the Concentration of

Economic Power and Ideological Power.twenty Obviously, Regulation by National States is Imperative. Dilma Rousseff in Brazil Has Tri This With the Internet Civil Framework Law, Which Establish Rights and Obligations for Users and Providers. Pro Ekman, One of the Promoters of This Norm, Said: «there is No Law Even Similar South Korea Phone Number List Anywhere in the World. There , Chile and Other Countries, but There is No Law of These Characteristics. In This Sense, Brazil is Leading the Way for a Debate to Follow in the Democratization of Mass Communication.”Twenty-one. But the Lobby Unleash Against It Was Very Strong: the Law End Up Being Regulat on May , .and the Next Day, the Th, Rousseff Was Remov.

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From Office and Her Impeachment

Was Confirm. The European Union, for Its Part, Despite the Strong Campaigns of Google and Youtube to “Save the Internet”, Already Italy Phone Number Has the Text of Its Two Bills Ready: the Digital Services Law and the Digital Markets Law. It Seeks to Generate a Regulatory Framework for Its Member Countries, Which Works as a Stimulus to Small and Mium-siz Platforms, Estimat at and in Total Subordination to the Technological Giants. In This Democratic Line, It Also Tries to Regulate Illegal Internet Content and Respect Professional Rights in Journalism. In the Same Sense, Although Perhaps.

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