The Military and Commercial Disputes Extremely Complex in a World Definitively Turn Towards Multilateralism. Cyberspace is Thus Incorporat as a Decisive Component in International Relations, on Which There is a Certain Consensus When Considering It the “Fifth Domain of War”, Along With the Classic Dimensions of Land, Sea, Air and Space.elevenin All Cases, the Loss of Privacy Becomes a Requirement for the New Paradigm, Which is Express in a Notable Intrusion Capacity of Technology in Our Daily Lives; That is, From a Handful of Technology Companies.
By Manipulating Enormous
Amounts of Data and Processing Them at Exponential Spes Using Sophisticat Algorithms, Work Begins on the Priction and/or Direction of Our Thoughts, Behaviors… Even Our Emotions! Algorithmic Logic Generates in Its Wake a Mark Vietnam Phone Number List Propensity for Economic Concentration, if Not Monopoly, Since the More Data F Into an Algorithm, the More Effectively It Works.. Thus, to a Tendency That Presents a Certain Regularity in Capitalism, Such as Concentration, the Particular and Purely Operational Aspect of a Market Such as That of Data is Attach. In Its Modus Operandi , It Uses All Types of Tools: Online Searches , Tracking Cookies on Web Pages, Card Payments, Gps Travel, Virtual Procures, Bank Transactions, Fingerprint Records and Even Facial Recognition.
There is a Paradigm Shift
Here With Respect to the Original Digital Revolution, and It Capture of Our Subjectivities. This is Why Both Sadin and Srnicek Associate the New Century With a New Stage of the Technological Revolution: While the First France Phone Number Conceptualizes a New “Anthropology”, a Kind of Hybrid Human-machine Coupling, the Second Chooses to Speak of a “Capitalism of Platforms. An Intelligent Capitalism? Many Times There Has Been Talk of New Stages of Capitalism, or Phases of the Industrial Revolution, When Considering Different Structural Changes. The New Century Could Not Be the Exception, When an Unusual Corporate Hegemony and a New Pattern of Accumulation of Big Capital.