The and Technology, Makes. Us Think That It is Not Audacious to Infiltrate and Investigate the Absolute, Through the Possible, Bas on a Deliberate Imaginative and Chain Interaction. A Transindividual Imagination Without Pretermin Goals». Note: a First Version of This Text Was Publish as Part of the Book Why Can. Capitalism Dream and We Can’t? (Siglo Xxi itores/crisis, Buenos Aires, ).the Concept of Melancholy Has Been Establish as One of the Ways to Investigate the Failures of the Left, the Successive.
Defeats of the Past and
End of Utopias.” However, “melancholic” Approaches Tend to Underestimate Feminisms and Lgbt+ Movements. Incorporating Them in a Plural Way Can Serve to Productively Rethink Emancipatory Projects. Melancholy Left Hong-Kong Mobile Database and Feminisms Black Bile, Saturnine Humor, Hamletian Procrastination, Literary Genius, Artistic Spirit, Psychic Work… Melancholy is a Concept With a Long History in Western Thought. The Spanish Dictionary Offers a Simple Definition Common Sense: “Vague, Deep, Calm and Permanent Sadness, Born of Physical or Moral Causes, Which Means That Whoever Suffers From It Does Not Find Pleasure or Fun in Anything.” However, This Simplicity Hides a Powerful.
Ambivalence That Provokes the
Constant Rereading of the Term and the Permanent Reconfiguration of the Limits of Its Meaning. Its Latin Etymology With. Greek Origin Refers to the Darkness of the Soul and the Density of the Body. Black Bile, as One of the Canada Phone Number Four. Basic Humors, Was Central to Ancient Philosophy and Micine. From Those First Formulations, the Term Cross the Mieval World Stress by the Reference to Pathology, Demonology and the Search to Characterize the Human Condition. Crystal to Observe the World and Particular. Engine of Action, Melancholy Became a Cardinal Element to Interpret Artistic Works, Philosophical Writings, Literature or Political Tasks. Close to Creative Vigor, but Also to Madness, This Disturbing Composition Explains, in Part, His Reflective Productivity and Caus Him, Over the Centuries, to Be Burden With Both Positive Appreciations.